WINDOWS Live Search

To contact me for any clarifications regarding any posts / information, please mail me at arijit [dot] basu [at] gmail [dot] com

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sure Step Business Modeller

The Sure Step Business Modeler is now available for partners worldwide. You can download an archive containing the tool and documentation from Partnersource. Click on image to download [Requires Partnersource access]

Monday, April 28, 2008

AX .NET BC - Sample Project [Level 100]

Hi, I've created a small sample project which demonstrates the use of .NET Business Connector . Ive created a Windows Application which uses the .NET BC to interact with AX. Its useful for beginners who want to understand the .NET BC. This sample shows how to read data, invoke class & table methods, insert records into AX. I've made the source files [VS 2005 Project & the AX Class ] available so you can play around with it. To use this project, you need to have access to AX, have the .NET BC installed & configured, the current windows user must have access to AX. You also need to import a sample class into AX to make this work. All files have been shared. Any improvement suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Let me know if you face any issues.
The Application (AXBusinessConnector.exe) looks like this :)

The Source files are uploaded below:

Happy DAXING :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

AX Developer Survey

Hi everybody– as part of the planning effort for future versions of AX, the team responsible for MorphX/AX Developer Tools , in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by new AX Application Developers are investigating some ideas that they hope will reduce the learning curve for these developers.

As part of this investigation, Microsoft have put together a survey focused on learning AX development and the application. The survey is targeted at both experienced and inexperienced developers.

Request you all to take part in this survey to help Microsoft come up with better features for AX developers. Have a say in the next versions of AX.

Click here to take part in the survey